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Announcing the Next Project

I've been asked by a lot of people, "So what are you working on now?" Honestly, before last Sunday I didn't have a straight answer because all I was working on was fragmented ideas followed by quick notes jotted down in my little purple notebook. But this past Sunday I attended the Bay Area Book Festival with my family and got the inspiration, motivation, support, kick in the ass (call it what you want) to make a decision. Next project will be a children's illustrated book I'm calling  The Big Brother Lessons: The Amazing Cape. A story about 2 young brothers, overcoming jealousy for a fantastic shared experience, and the wonders of a cape.  I've already written the first draft but I want to try to go the traditional publishing route this time, which means lots of submissions to publishers and months of waiting.  Got my narrowed down list of appropriate publishers, editing the next draft, and here I go.... Wish me luck! P.S. I haven...
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A motivating critique....

I entered a Self-Published Book Contest a while back. Didn't win, but got a lovely push in the right direction . Note:  1= needs improvement, 5 = outstanding, 0 = n/a Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 4 Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5 Production Quality and Cover Design: 5 Plot and Story Appeal: 4 Character Appeal and Development: 0 Voice and Writing Style: 4 Judge’s Commentary*: Saballos enthralls her reader with short atmospheric stories that pivot around the theme of various Loteria cards, for in the game of Loteria, the cards decide the fate of the players. I enjoyed the ghost stories and cared what became of Salvador. The image of his mother’s spirit coming to kiss her sleeping son is powerful. Likewise, the story of Emilia Medina’s hearing music and finding a bundle of money under her pillow and having a sore forearm gave me goosebumps. Alberto’s untimely end at the hands of Senor Ibarro is tragic and the tale is potent, d...

In the Cards is available on Amazon   

The People - The Stories

Some of the faces behind In the Cards ... Las Jaras & El Musico Emilia Macias, her daughter Pachita, and her son Salvador El Cantarito, El Cazo, La Muerte Elena Medina (formerly Elena Tapia) Las Jaras, El Musico, El Cantarito, El Cazo, La Muerte Salvador Medina La Botella (the instigating little brothers) Albert, Richard, David & Bill Medina  El Violoncello Salvador Medina Jr.               El Valiente George Medina El Melon (the 3 vengeful little cousins) Lorrie, Arlene, Christina In the Cards: A Collection of Memories Inspired by Lotería By  Christina Saballos

The L.A. Book-Signing Party

Friends & Family Book-Signing, hosted by my Mom September 30, 2017 Just a few snapshots from the day, and some nice sentiments..... "Now I have some history to share with my grandchildren. What a generational blessing..." -Lupe M. "IN THE CARDS by Christina Saballos has made the Chicano community and the Chicano family a part of the American national narrative." -Ralph G. "Makes you want more." -Ivan S.                            "It's a great book. Can't wait for the next one." -Linda E.                                                     


*Stories of Lotería is now a book titled In the Cards: A Collection   of Memories Inspired by Lotería. *Available NOW as an ebook at *Ebook and softcover copies soon to be available on   and

La Bandera - The Flag

Anyone who has spent at least 15 minutes with my oldest son, Benicio, has surely caught on to the fact that he adores flags. He's made us borrow I Witness: Flags from the library the maximum 4 times in a row (on 3 separate occasions). For 3 months straight we had to read this book to him before bed and could recite the introduction on command, completely by memory, and on occasion against our will. He draws flags, paints flags, comes home from school with flag illustrations all over his work, hangs flags of his own design up all over the house, and as an added bonus can sing the corresponding national anthem of about 7-10 different country flags (thanks YouTube). We've speculated that his adoration could lead to a career as a foreign diplomat, ambassador, UN representative, or heck -a flag designer. Countries, states, sports steams, special events, and even the rainbow flag - he loves them all. Here's a picture if you don't believe me: