Many stories about my grandparents impress me with their examples of strength and fortitude, but there is one in particular that literally clenches my heart and doesn't let go until I can find proper distraction. Every time I try to write it I feel I never do it justice so I'll share it here the only way I know how - the way it was told to me. In July of 1950 my grandmother, Elena, was traveling by train from Mexicali to Guadalajara. A very popular 48 hour trip in that time, as I understand it. While my grandfather stayed in Los Angeles to work, she planned to visit her family and had by her side her five children ranging in age from 10 years to 5 months. It was near impossible to keep 4 children behaved and entertained while looking after an infant, and the summer heat provoked irritability more than a sense of adventure. Well into the first night, Elena's youngest, Alfredo, developed a high fever. By the second night his fever had gone beyond 104 degrees. While struggling...
In the game of Lotería we're each destined the cards that decide our fate as players. The following is a collection of short stories, each inspired by a particular Loteria card.