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Showing posts from November, 2018

A motivating critique....

I entered a Self-Published Book Contest a while back. Didn't win, but got a lovely push in the right direction . Note:  1= needs improvement, 5 = outstanding, 0 = n/a Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 4 Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5 Production Quality and Cover Design: 5 Plot and Story Appeal: 4 Character Appeal and Development: 0 Voice and Writing Style: 4 Judge’s Commentary*: Saballos enthralls her reader with short atmospheric stories that pivot around the theme of various Loteria cards, for in the game of Loteria, the cards decide the fate of the players. I enjoyed the ghost stories and cared what became of Salvador. The image of his mother’s spirit coming to kiss her sleeping son is powerful. Likewise, the story of Emilia Medina’s hearing music and finding a bundle of money under her pillow and having a sore forearm gave me goosebumps. Alberto’s untimely end at the hands of Senor Ibarro is tragic and the tale is potent, d...