My Aunt Socorro -a truly wonderful lady- is the eldest of eleven children, an avid reader, and a terrific pen-pal. From her home that is situated over 2400 miles away from those she grew up with, she records every birth, keeps our family history, and always sends a birthday card. Here are two poems she wrote way back when, and shared with me some years ago. * Based on the antics of her two younger sisters: my Mom and my Nina THE INCORRIGIBLES (8/16/1957) Oh! My sisters are so pretty, But such naughty little brats, That they play with crickets And chase after cats. I tell them not to do it, But the rascals disobey, As if they were not afraid. So I have to turn them over, And over them indeed I hover, As I smack them with my hand to make them understand. But they keep on being bad, So that I no longer care What they do or what they dare. * This next one is about my mom before she became a mom. For those of us who know her well, we'll re...
In the game of Lotería we're each destined the cards that decide our fate as players. The following is a collection of short stories, each inspired by a particular Loteria card.